Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (2640 Views)
Hodgkin's disease has been known to medical practitioners for more than three centuries. The clinical and pathologic description of the disease published by Thomas. Hodgkin first in 183 2 when reported seven cases th-at he considered a new clinical entity.
The incident, clinical feature, histologic, procedure of evaluation and staging of Hodgkin's disease are presented briefly. Particular attention to histopathology with the reference to the characteristics of Reed - Sternberg cells and staging of the disease is emphasized. The management of Hodgkin's disease is reviewed in more details. Hodgkin's disease may now be managed with several different regimens with expectation of curing approximately 80 - 90 percent of patients. Radiotherapy alone achieves this cure rate only in unilateral highcevical or inguinal stage 1 and certain faivorable histological stage 2 presentation. Combination chemotherapy not only helps to irradiation therapy to the patients with stage 2 & 3 and those suffering from mediastinal involvement. It has cured nearly 7 percent of patients with for advanced Hodgkin's disease. Autologous bone marrow transplantation recently offers a considerable hopes in patients with relapsed Hodgkin's disease. The outlook for patients with Hodgkin's disease has improved dramatically over the post twenty years. The goal of curing all patient with Hodgkin's disease would seem to be within reach. Although much remains to be elucidated in the biology of Hodgkin's disease, highly effective treatment is now available for all stages and disease presentations. The goal is to cure all patients while minimizing morbidity in near future.