Volume 45, Issue 3 (9-2021)                   Research in Medicine 2021, 45(3): 86-91 | Back to browse issues page

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Sanei Sistani S, Tardast A. Comparison of CVS and amniocentesis complications in patients referred to Ali Ibn Abitaleb Hospital of Zahedan. Research in Medicine 2021; 45 (3) :86-91
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-2890-en.html
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran , Sharareh.sanei@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3558 Views)
Background and Aim: Congenital anomalies are among the leading causes of miscarriage, some of which can be diagnosed before birth. These abnormalities can be detected via simple methods, such as ultrasound as well as screening tests that are easily available before birth, and if possible, using methods such as abortion that can prevent births with such abnormalities. The aim of the present study was to measure the possible complications of both CVS and amniocentesis in mothers with suspected chromosomal or thalassemia anomalies.
Materials and Methods:  A descriptive-cross sectional study was conducted on all mothers suspected of having a fetus with chromosomal or thalassemia abnormalities referred to Ali Ibn Abitaleb Hospital in Zahedan between October 2015 and October 2016. Totally, 150 mothers were divided into amniocentesis group (n= 100) with a mean pregnancy age of 15 weeks and 4 days and CVS group (n= 50) with a mean pregnancy age of 13 weeks and one day. The procedures were performed by a radiologist. Before conducting the procedure, the mother underwent an ultrasound to assess the health of the fetus, regardless of age, placental abruption, and amniotic fluid. After the operation, each patient was monitored for 14 days to take action if complications, such as vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid leakage, miscarriage, PROM, and chorioamniovititis, occured. The data obtained was finally entered into SPSS, v. 18, and analyzed using T- and Fisher statistical tests.
Results: Only two complications, i.e. amniotic fluid leakage and vaginal bleeding, were observed in a total population of 150 mothers. The incidence of vaginal bleeding in the CVS group was two (4%) and in the amniocentesis group one (1%) (P= 0.465). Also, the complication of amniotic fluid leakage was one case (2%) in CVS group and two cases (2%) in amniocentesis group, which accounted for P-value = 0.632. No cases of abortion, PROM, and chorioamnionit were observed.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the complications of this method in amniocentesis are not significantly different from those of CVS; therefore, both methods can be used to diagnose prenatal pregnancy in high-risk pregnancies.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Radiology
Received: 2020/05/13 | Accepted: 2020/10/4 | Published: 2022/01/9

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