Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2003)                   Research in Medicine 2003, 27(4): 305-312 | Back to browse issues page

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Mental health in group of war veterans and their spouses in Qom. Research in Medicine 2003; 27 (4) :305-312
URL: http://pejouhesh.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-71-en.html
Abstract:   (20037 Views)

Background : War is a stressful event that can lead to disastrous situations in human life. Those who are directly involved in this event and influenced by the resulting trauma are the first victims of the war. However the consequences involve the families and the society on the whole. The families of the wounded, disabled, martyred, or imprisoned soldiers are the forgotten victims of wars. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of depression and mental disorders in a group of war veterans and their spouses in the Qom province.

Materials and methods : The study population included 160 males and 90 females, (90 couples). They were asked to complete two valid questionnaires of Beck and GHQ as well as a questionnaire dealing with their demographic data. Sample selection was random from the official file in the Foundation for the Disabled in the Qom province.

Results : 75% of the patients included in the study were unemployed. Beck questionnaire revealed that 96.3% of the ex-soldiers and 88.9% of their spouses were suffering from mild to severe depression. GHQ questionnaire revealed that in 94.5% of veterans and 86.7% of their spouses symptoms suggestive of a mental disorder were present.

Conclusion : Anxiety-depression disorders, adjustment disorders and inter-personal relation disorders are common among the ex-servicemen and their spouses. War veterans and their families are in need of better support from different organizations that provide social and health services.

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Type of Study: General | Subject: Interdisciplinary (Educational Management, Educational research, Statistics, Medical education
Received: 2003/11/27 | Published: 2003/12/15

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