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XML Isolation of anaerobic, aerobic bacteria and ِmycobacterium
F Fallah, G Eslami, J Khoshnevis, H Goudarzi, M Habibi, E, Azargashb,
Abstract  -  چکیده  
XML Assessment of changes in lipid levels after 3 years Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
K Shahebrahimi, P, Mirmiran, AS, Habibi Moieni, J, Ghanbili, A Momenan, A, Momenan, F Azizi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Microvascular decompression in patients with trigeminal neuralgia
Shirvani M, Andalibi R, Mohammadmohammadi AR
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Thyroid antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma
N Shirazian, M, Hedayati, A Aliasgari, F Azizi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Surveying the pattern of narcotic analgesia usage in
G Hajebi, AR Mortazavi, J Salamzadeh, K Moshiri
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effect of oral administration of propylthiouracil during pregnancy and lactation in female rats on isolated aorta response in their adult male off springs
S1 Zahedi Asl, M Shafiee, M2 Khaksari, A1 Ghasemi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A survey of depressive symptoms in patients
AR Zahiroddin, F Ghoreishi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Non-communicable disease risk factors in children of parents with an ECG evidence of myocardial infarction Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
S Seyedmousavi, A Ghanbarian, M Seyedahadi, N Saadat, F, Azizi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Productivity of research on diabetes between 1992 and 2002 scanty of research in developing countries
N Rezaie Ghale, MR Mirbolouki, F Azizi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Association of irregular menstruation with gestational diabetes: Observations from a survey in university-affiliated medical centers in Tehran
N Kariman, T Heydari, M Farakhteh, H Alavi Majd
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among 3-9 years old children inTehran Lipid and Glucose Study
M Mehrdad, F Hosseinpanah, F Azizi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Surveying the effect of cotoneaster spp. (shir khesht) on neonatal jaundice
F Ghotbi, Sh Nahidi, M Zangi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Validation of Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) in Iran
K Malakouti, P Fathollahi, A Mirabzadeh, M Salavati, Sh Kahani,
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effects of applying continuous care model (CCM) on stress, anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients
A Rahimi, F Ahamadi, M Gholiaf
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Thick nasal skin 4 years experience with a proposed technique
F Hafezi, B Naghibzadeh, AH Nouhi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Treatment of pedophilia, bipolar mood disorder,
N Beyraghi, F Khodaiefar
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Giant parathyroid adenoma presenting with bone pain
MT Salehian, M Mehrdad, M Moghimi, M Hosseinzadeh Malek
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
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